What is Takaful?
Every human activitie are liable to danger of misfortune from unexpected occasions. To mitigate this weight to people, what we now call insurance has existed subsequent to no less than 215 BC. This idea has been polished in different structures for more than 1400 years. It starts from the Arabic word Kafalah, which signifies "ensuring one another" or "joint assurance". The idea is in accordance with the standards of pay and shared obligations among the group.
Every human activitie are liable to danger of misfortune from unexpected occasions. To mitigate this weight to people, what we now call insurance has existed subsequent to no less than 215 BC. This idea has been polished in different structures for more than 1400 years. It starts from the Arabic word Kafalah, which signifies "ensuring one another" or "joint assurance". The idea is in accordance with the standards of pay and shared obligations among the group.